
Showing posts from August, 2021

Chapter 1: Digital Users

Technology has enabled people to be more connected than ever before at an ever-increasing rate. One metric that can be explored is the time for a service to be released and until it has reached 50 million users. For example, according to “Essentials of Social Media Marketing”, the telephone took around 75 years to reach 50 million users. That is nearly an entire generation of people! Radio took 38 years and TV took only 13 years. The internet took just four years while AOL took only two and a half. Considering AOL is over the internet, it is incredible how quickly it spread through a more limited group of people. In terms of more modern services, Draw Something took just 50 days to reach 50 million users. This is an average of a million users per day! Angry Birds took just 35 days to reach 50 million users – more than 1.4 million users per day. Back when the telephone was invented there is no way that anyone could have predicted that services would be created that would enable millions

Apartment Decorations

Today P Plant was working on a variety of maintenance tasks. I saw them driving around equipment, working on light posts, and pruning trees. When I saw that P Plant was working on pruning trees I got excited. When a tree gets pruned, it means there are free tree branches laying around for a while! My roommates and I had wanted to create an aviary in an attempt to catch bird s on our balcony. It would be much more expensive to attempt to create an artificial aviary than to walk around collecting branches off the ground around campus. In fact, in order to create my balcony forest, it only cost me a piece of string to hold up one of the branches! Now, we don’t plan to actual capture birds, although it would be cool, due to the fact that the university would likely not approve. I just set up the branches because I thought it would look cool. Admittedly, it looks a lot less cool from the ground than it does from the balcony. If anyone else is interested in building a balcony forest, it