Apartment Decorations

Today P Plant was working on a variety of maintenance tasks. I saw them driving around equipment, working on light posts, and pruning trees. When I saw that P Plant was working on pruning trees I got excited. When a tree gets pruned, it means there are free tree branches laying around for a while! My roommates and I had wanted to create an aviary in an attempt to catch bird s on our balcony. It would be much more expensive to attempt to create an artificial aviary than to walk around collecting branches off the ground around campus. In fact, in order to create my balcony forest, it only cost me a piece of string to hold up one of the branches!

Now, we don’t plan to actual capture birds, although it would be cool, due to the fact that the university would likely not approve. I just set up the branches because I thought it would look cool. Admittedly, it looks a lot less cool from the ground than it does from the balcony. If anyone else is interested in building a balcony forest, it isn’t particularly hard. In University Terrace the balcony railings are relatively loosely fit. The walls slot into retaining brackets but there is a good amount of space between the building walls and the railings. The branches are able to fit into these gaps if they are appropriately bent. Once the branches are in, they will sit there indefinitely.

I am concerned about the longevity of the branches. So far, the branches have been up for two days and are starting to go bad. The branches that were in direct sunlight the longest are the worst, so it is just a matter of time until the rest of the leaves are done as well. Cleanup should be fairly easy. All that will be needed is removing the branches from their receptacles and sweeping the balcony off. I am not sure what we will do with the branches when we are done, though. We can either throw them away, try to make something out of them, or have a campfire with them. If we make something out of them, I will be sure to post an update!


  1. Danny! I am so jealous I did not think of this first! Your idea of creating an aviary on your own back balcony is thrilling. I personally think if you did capture a couple birds the university may let it slide. But if they ask don't tell them I told you to :) I also loved how you used just broken branches off the ground to make a beautiful little jungle on the balcony. If you figure out a way to keep the branches alive longer or maybe even start a vine, let me know! I would love to create a little vine garden myself !

  2. I absolutely love this idea, and from the first picture it seems like it creates a pretty good view from your apartment window! It is sad that they’re inevitably going to die, but I wonder if the P Plant prunes trees at other times throughout the year. It would make quite the cycle to have to get the branches take down the dead ones and replace them, only for them to die quickly later. It would be great if you found a way to keep them alive, or find a cheaper way to create it with fake materials.


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