Social Media Podcast

Last week I covered Chapter 12 of Charello’s Essentials of Social Media Marketing which covers blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. This week I had the opportunity to record a podcast of my own. For my podcast, I invited my friend Quentin to discuss his use of social media. It is nice to read the textbook that explains what users should and shouldn’t like about social media marketing campaigns. During my discussion with him I found that he pretty solidly dislikes brand identities. He would rather be marketed to directly about products and lifestyles that those products can support rather than a lifestyle based around a brand. I do feel the same way about marketing as he does. It is important to consider that we are just two users out of billions, so I feel safe assuming the book knows more about marketing than I do.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some demographics tend to prefer more direct marketing than others though. This could result in marketing campaigns for those groups needing to maintain a different ratio of product posting to brand posting to achieve high rates of conversions. I know that I personally will block a brand if they are posting content that isn’t relevant to what I follow them for, namely their products. I don’t tend to buy a lot of things off of social media in the first place, though, so I am probably not their target market anyway. I am curious as to how unique I am in that attitude. I know a lot of my friends other than Quentin don’t have that attitude.

That’s enough discussion of my thoughts on the podcast – you can listen to it yourself on Podbean! Let me know what you think! I’ve recorded a fair amount of content in the past, but I’ve always had video as well. Purely audio content is definitely new to me.


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